Camel Club

This is a Christian-based club held weekly during term time for primary school age children to enjoy a range of games and activities relating to a particular Bible story or theme.  During the summer months they often meet outside and have activities linked to the environment within the churchyard.  In the run up to Christmas they and their helpers work tirelessly to produce and deliver a specially written Crib Service.  At the end of the year they hold a barbecue in the Playing Fields concluding with a much-enjoyed rounders match.

Countess Gytha Primary School

Once a week, ‘Open the Book’ assemblies are taken by volunteers who read and act out different Bible stories for the children.  These are eagerly anticipated and enjoyed by the children, some of whom also come along to Camel Club.   In recent years the school has come  to the church for special services of celebration and we look to encourage this further.

Hazlegrove Prep School

The Year 2 children make an annual visit to the church and are given a tour of the church including seeing all the robes, climbing the pulpit, ringing the ? bell and watching a teddy bear going through the motions of being baptised.  They conclude their visit with hot chocolate and home-made biscuits and take home a bookmark of the church which they have illustrated.